This aquarium pump sensor is simple to assemble. It draws in air and uses a color wheel to measure the level of air pollution.
Aquarium Pump Sensor, Arduino/ Microcontroller sensors
Contact Us for our summer workshops
Students build their own sensors and purifiers - Take charge of air quality!
Generate: The Game of Energy Choices enables players to explore energy choices and the environment and gets students “energized” in some friendly competition. The game is a teaching tool that can be used to understand the costs and benefits of the energy choices we make; find out what happens if the mix of energy sources changes in the future and learn what energy choices mean for our climate, air, water, and overall environmental quality.
You can make your own sensors. Contact us if you like to know more.
You can craft your own air sensors! I'm excited to introduce you to the various sensors assembled by students like you across the globe - from Homemade to Arduino, Solar, Mobile, IoT, and those based in the cloud.
Like what you see or want to contact us? Or, want to share your own sensor ideas with us? Whatever it is, click the link to get in touch!
Schools - Contact us for for more information!
Identify pollutants that affect air quality